4-5Cocktail tomatoes(Or equivalent of other tomatoes)
1-2Small garden cucumbers
¼Onion(white or red)
1small bunchDill
1small bunchParsley
1small bunchGreen Onion
1Garlic clove
½tspSaltor to taste
⅛tspPepperor to taste
Chop tomatoes into bite sized pieces. Place into a medium-sized salad bowl.
Slice the cucumber lengthwise in half and then chop into half-moon slices. If the cucumber is very thick, slice the lengthwise halves into halves again and chop the pieces into fourths or triangles. Transfer to the salad bowl.
Finely slice the onion and finely chop the dill, parsley, and green onion. Mince the garlic. Add everything to the salad.